We received about 4 inches of fresh perfect snow yesterday. With a little increase in the temps, and sunshine, it should be a fantastic weekend to get down here.
We are hosting the MSDL D-Team ski races both this Saturday & Sunday so you will notice a few race gates when you drive into the parking lot and perhaps some of those gates may be set on your favorite hills for a little while. A lot of you probably don't know what the MSDL is and what the D-Team program itself is so I thought it would a good idea to share this information with you.
The Midwest Snowsports Development League (MSDL) was put together by MN Ski Area operators and owners several years ago. We as competing winter business work together to run this league for the benefit of growing the sport of skiing and snowboarding and keeping it sustainable for families. We wrote the by-laws together, meet for an annual meeting, and share the expenses of the league.
Most, if not close to all, of the racers you will see on our slopes this weekend belong to a skiing family. Skiing families are critical to the future of Welch Village and every other ski area in Minnesota. The D-Team season is about 11 weeks long, there are 7 practices and 4 races. D-Team racing is as serious as one wants it to be. Kids learn to be racers but they also learn to be great life-long skiers. Most D-team racers are in the program we because they love to ski, they make life-long friends, and love to spend their winters outdoors with other families. Many hockey families have joined D-team because those families learn that the whole family can participate in the sport together.
Again, we are sorry if portions of some of your favorite runs are occupied for a few hours this weekend but rest assured, the kids and families that are using those hills are crucial to the sustainability and future of Welch Village. Thank you to all of you pass holders and guests for your understanding.
This weekend, Welch Village welcomes ski racing athletes, coaches, and families from Mount Kato, Coffee Mill, Hyland Hills, Afton Alps, Trollhaugen, and of course...Welch Village!
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