Monday, November 21, 2016

Opening Update

Keep this in mind when reading this. No one wants to ski at Welch Village this weekend more than I do.   Ok, there is maybe one person maybe who wants to ski this weekend more than 88-year old grandfather Leigh Nelson.  You probably know where this conversation is headed...

Although our snowmaking crew did an incredible job in the past two nights with challenging conditions, we will not be opening for the season anytime this week.  We are now hoping to open sometime between Dec. 2nd-4th.  We want to share this news with you now so you can go ahead and make your plans for the upcoming weekend.

Here is a summary of where we are at:
  • Even though we had 20 degree temperatures for a couple of nights, we also had to deal with winds from the east. When the wind comes from the east, it's hard to use the guns on our key opening weekend slopes because the guns are located on the west ends of the runs (Lookout, Fowl Play, Heidi's Hollow, Harley's Hollow etc).  When we have just an east wind of just 5mph, the snow blows out of the guns and then right back into the guns. 
  • With some wet and warmer weather arriving the next couple of days, we will save the snow we have already made by not grooming it and leaving it in piles.   
  • The new erosion control ditch for the new terrain park area and beginner slope requires more snowmaking than previous years.  It takes more snow to fill that ditch than it did a couple of years ago.
  • We are committed to providing our guests with a quality skiing/riding experience on opening day with more vertical, high snow quality, and chairlifts to ride in addition to just a rope tow.
I took a hike this morning and you will see that our crew has done an amazing job in a short amount of time.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can add to this soon.  Remember, all of this hard work by our crew comes at the end of an historically warm November.  

We give thanks for this brief window of snowmaking that we did receive.  We wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving and we can't wait to open the slopes of Welch Village for all of you very soon...


  1. looks like they got a lot of snow made great job

  2. Hence, the main reason that POLE FANS are a waste of money. Mobile guns are the only way to go. BUY RATNIKS!

  3. Great job making snow. We session pass holders very much appreciate what Welch Village does.

  4. We are all praying very hard for cold temp and snow snow snow!!
